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Introducing Neale Donald Walsch – God’s Latest Scribe?

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What If You Had the Chance to Interview God . . . ?

It was a dark night of the soul. The end of the line. Neale Donald Walsch had hit rock bottom. He had a broken neck and was destitute, yet he clawed his way with grim, Dumpster-diving determination back from the abyss. Back from the brink. Back to a "normal" life. And inevitably, back to the same old worries and concerns that had always...See more
What If You Had the Chance to Interview God . . . ?

It was a dark night of the soul. The end of the line. Neale Donald Walsch had hit rock bottom. He had a broken neck and was destitute, yet he clawed his way with grim, Dumpster-diving determination back from the abyss. Back from the brink. Back to a "normal" life. And inevitably, back to the same old worries and concerns that had always plagued him-and that plague us all: relationships, money, health, and the future. Still, nothing made sense. Angriness and bitterness haunted him. Late one particularly black night, Neale grabbed the nearest pad of paper and gouged out an angry letter to the world-to God.

God answered back, and Neale wrote everything down. Then Conversations with God hit the New York Times bestseller list-staying there for over two and a half years. And God kept on talking. . . .
Meet the man who has regular chats with God Almighty. Meet Neale Donald Walsch.

PLUS, four 15-minute meditations: DeeepCHil: Relax Your Mind . . .
meditative trips through the doors of nature . . See less
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