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A Guided Meditation To Help With Dialysis

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Publication Date:
Narrated By:
Belleruth Naparstek
47 minutes

This relaxing audio set of positive affirmations and guided meditation for dialysis patients is designed to ease discomfort, lower anxiety and fatigue, and reduce possible psychological side...See more

This relaxing audio set of positive affirmations and guided meditation for dialysis patients is designed to ease discomfort, lower anxiety and fatigue, and reduce possible psychological side effects associated with hemodialysis, while increasing energy, hope and positive mood. A clinically tested segment of guided imagery for dialysis also contains specific hypnotic suggestions to help keep blood pressure stable and support motivation for necessary dietary and lifestyle changes. Carefully researched with the help of scores of renal health professionals and dialysis patients, this popular, effective meditation for dialysis can be listened to before, during or after treatments. Here's the track list:

1. Guided Imagery (29:00)
2. Affirmations (29:00)

Guided imagery is a holistic, mind-body therapy that consists of healing words and images, set to soothing music, to achieve specific healing or coping goals. Repeated listening once or twice a day for 2-3 weeks ensures maximum impact on physical comfort and positive attitude. This particular guided meditation for dialysis has been distributed by free standing dialysis centers and major hospital systems nationwide. Written and narrated by guided imagery and holistic health expert Belleruth Naparstek and scored to the exquisitely soothing music of Steven Mark Kohn, this evidence-based Health Journeys™ audio resource was produced by the Cleveland Orchestra's Bruce Gigax. The immersive, hypnotic, calming guided imagery for dialysis provides a sense of peace, control and mastery while undergoing treatment. Words and music combine to put dialysis and associated therapies in a more positive light.  A separate track of affirmations offer briefer versions of these same empowering images and ideas, for those who prefer listening to a briefer format that can also be used on the go, and even while driving. Play a sample and see for yourself how listening to this soothing, inspiring guided meditation for dialysis can create a more positive, supportive and hopeful context for treatment, and why it is recommended and distributed nationwide by health care professionals, patients and their families. (58 min.)

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